277 category manager Jobs in Bundesland Thüringen

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  • Category Manager (m/w/d)

    Zeitfracht Medien Erfurt, Thüringen  +1 Standort

    ...Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt für einen unserer Standorte Stuttgart oder Erfurt einen Category...
    vor mehr als 1 Monat in The Career Wallet

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Neudietendorf, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Friemar, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Hohenfelden, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Troistedt, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Frankendorf, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Magdala, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 24 Tage in Jobswipe

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Schwerstedt, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Sprötau, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Lehnstedt, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Molschleben, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Bechstedtstraß, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Zimmernsupra, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 24 Tage in Jobswipe

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Kleinmölsen, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Tröchtelborn, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Isseroda, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Osthausen-Wülfershausen, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Neumark, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Kromsdorf, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 24 Tage in Jobswipe

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Riethnordhausen, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Kirchheim, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Henschleben, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in LifeworQ

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Kutzleben, Thüringen

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 2 Tage in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    neu amazon Schillingstedt, Thüringen  +52 Standorte

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 1 Tag in Tideri-de

  • Site Procurement Manager, Site Procurement Operations

    amazon Ingersleben, Thüringen  +45 Standorte

    ...category to identify and seize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support a strategy definition for the country network. Deliver additional...
    vor 24 Tage in Jobswipe


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